Thursday, February 17, 2011

UTSA Meeting

Today I had my first Formal meeting with UTSA. Thus far I have done project for them through email, but today was a big one. I discovered in this meeting that this particular project I have been working on is their largest budgeted project for the YEAR!!! So, with files, notes, post-its, and freshly printed full-size samples in tow I went.
With Sharpie Pen in hand they cirlced, line marked, and added text and photos. We measured, cross-reference NCAA guidelines, debated verbage and font size, and even discussed a photo I had included which showed the broad-side of a player's underwear! Ooops! At least you know what I WASN'T looking at! :o)
Bottom line: they LOVED it! They loved the work and they recognized that the text was only wrong because they gave me bad information. So, I have a few more hours work to do for this one and then thousands (yes, thousands) of these little babies (by little I mean 11"x22" 2-sided monsters!) will be distributed to the masses. They will be passed out to high schools all around Texas and distributed by coaches who hit the road (I'm learning so much terminology here - hee hee) looking for recruits in April. Yes, these brochures are seeking UTSA's next crew and I will have a hand in it. Yea Me! :o)
I will say that I am really proud of the work I have done on this project and I am so glad they liked it. The man I am working with comes from Texas A&M so he's accustomed to quality work. I was relieved to hear his kind words and look forward to doing more work for them in the future.
As for pics, I will have to ask permission to post any final graphics on here just to make sure I am not crossing any NCAA rules. Hopefully I can put a panel up, though.

Oh, and by the way, the athletes that I met this morning were top-notch. Super polite guys, well dressed and gentlemanly. Well Done UTSA - you've picked some great people to represent you!